Make Sure To Take Care Of Your Brain


There are many issues that can lead to problems getting enough sleep at night. Insomnia, chronic pain, nightmares, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a number of other issues can all plague your life in different ways. Fortunately, when it comes to these types of problems, Dr. Jay R. Goldman has solutions that can go a long way towards turning your life around for the better. You may just be surprised how much simpler everything seems when you are getting restorative sleep. He will help you figure out ways to take care of your brain, and as a recent Psychology Today article highlighted, that can be critical.

  • Playing catch up – Some people try to “catch up” on sleep during the weekend. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that, and consistent lack of sleep and fragmented sleep can lead to depression, or cause elevated mood in bipolar disorder patients. Going to bed and waking up at the same time, seven days a week, is the ideal situation to achieve.
  • Food – Healthy foods aren’t just important for your body. They will also help out your brain health. They don’t have to break the bank either, as long as you focus on the right options, while avoiding junk food. Healthy portion sizes are also much smaller than we have become accustomed to eating.
  • Exercise – Exercise is another thing that positively impacts both the body and mind. You have to overcome the thought process that you’re too tired to exercise, or that there isn’t enough time in the day. Physical activity actually increases energy, and it doesn’t take going to the gym. Simply taking the stairs at work can make a difference.

The aforementioned ideas can start to turn the tide of your sleeping issues. However, there is a chance you may need to dive deep into a psychological issue with Dr. Jay R. Goldman. He has seen just about everything over his years in the business, and he is well equipped to help you through your problem. The bottom line is that you don’t have to suffer in silence for another minute. Contact Dr. Jay R. Goldman, today, and set up your appointment.

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Easy Techniques To Improve Sleep


When you aren’t getting enough sleep at night, the world can seem like a difficult place. Even the simplest of life’s daily tasks become major chores, and all you want to do is find a way to sleep more at night. Fortunately, those suffering from insomnia, chronic pain, nightmares, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other related issues can find solutions. Oftentimes, a situation can snowball when a lack of sleep causes psychophysiological insomnia, or a fear or concern of sleeplessness that can cause insomnia by itself. Cognitive-behavior therapy has been shown to offer great results, and you can also try these simple tips, shared by Psychology Today.

  • Timing – Waking up at the same time every day can go a long way towards improving sleep. Each cell has a 24 hour clock, and when you wake up at the same time every day, it anchors your biological clock to work right.
  • Light – Believe it or not, light can treat depression, increase alertness, and turn on parts of the immune system. If you need help waking up in the morning, get some light as soon as possible. The process can have a positive impact on your sleep.
  • Move – Exercise is extremely important when it comes to sleeping. Even if you are stuck at a desk, or can’t afford an athletic machine, there are ways to get moving. Fit people sleep better, and it is worth giving a shot.

Do you need to find a way to get better sleep at night? The path to restorative sleep isn’t always a simple one, but it is always worth the journey. Dr. Jay R. Goldman has many treatment options that can get you to exactly where you want to be. However, the first step is in your hands, and that is getting in touch with his office. Contact Dr. Jay R. Goldman, today, and set up your appointment.

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What Is The Right Amount Of Sleep?


At some point, you are going to start getting tired of feeling tired. Not obtaining enough sleep at night is associated with many health risks, and it is something worth getting under control. Luckily, those who are suffering from insomnia, chronic pain, nightmares, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other related issues do have hope. Dr. Jay R. Goldman offers many treatment options that can turn your life around for the better. When you have the chance to get back on the path to restorative sleep, you should go for it.

However, it is worth asking just how much sleep we really need. As reported in a recent Psychology Today piece, the answer is not necessarily what you would think. Though different people require different amounts of sleep, getting between six-and-a-half and seven-and-a-half hours at night is actually quite normal for many people. So, those seeking out sleep help (through medication or otherwise), are too focused on treating the numbers, when no issue may exist. As long as you feel refreshed, are not usually sleepy during the day, don’t take long afternoon naps, are able to concentrate, and not depressed, there is no reason to force yourself to sleep more.

If you need help with your sleeping habits, you are not alone. And, those issues can be compounded when you are suffering from insomnia, chronic pain, nightmares, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or a number of other issues. Dr. Jay R. Goldman understands what you are going through, and will work tirelessly to ensure you can overcome your issue. You may just be surprised how much simpler life’s tasks can be when you are getting enough rest at night. Contact Dr. Jay R. Goldman, today, and set up your appointment.

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